Our Services

Business Segments


King Wan Con­struc­tion Pte Ltd spe­cial­ises in pro­vid­ing a full spec­trum of M&E Engi­neer­ing ser­vices to main con­trac­tors in Sin­ga­pore. Reg­is­tered under the Build­ing and Con­struc­tion Author­ity of Sin­ga­pore (BCA), we have dif­fer­en­ti­ated our­selves from our com­peti­tors by becom­ing an ISO cer­ti­fied M&E Engi­neer­ing spe­cial­ist pro­vid­ing inte­grated solutions.

Our spec­trum of ser­vices includes:

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In Sin­ga­pore, the Group’s 40 per cent owned Mead­ows Bright Devel­op­ment Pte Ltd (Mead­ows Bright) heads its prop­erty devel­op­ments. In 2012, Mead­ows Bright, through its 50 per cent owned asso­ciate, Bukit Timah Green Pte ltd, suc­cess­fully ten­dered for and was awarded a site for res­i­den­tial devel­op­ment along Dairy Farm Road. The site will be used to develop a con­do­minium project – “Sky­woods”, con­sist­ing of approx­i­mately 420 units. The project is planned for launch in August 2013 and is expected to be com­pleted by 2016.

Another ongo­ing project under­taken by Mead­ows Bright is “The Starlight Suites”, a 35-​storey block com­pris­ing 105 free­hold apart­ments located at River Val­ley Close. It was offi­cially launched in August 2010 and is sched­uled to be com­pleted by mid-​2014. More than 55 per cent of the units have been sold as of May 2013.

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K&W Mobile Loo Ser­vices Pte Ltd was set up in 1996 to pro­vide rental and clean­ing ser­vices of portable chem­i­cal lava­to­ries to the build­ing and con­struc­tion industry. With a fleet of more than 1,400 portable lava­to­ries, it is now one of Singapore’s lead­ing play­ers. Our major clients com­prise of build­ing con­trac­tors, event organ­is­ers and tent­age operators.

With exten­sive expe­ri­ence and a strong track record build up over more than two decades, we are mind­ful of the respon­si­bil­ity that our busi­ness has on our com­mu­nity. At K&W, our team is selec­tive of the chem­i­cals we use for our prod­ucts. We are able to rec­om­mend the quan­tity, qual­ity and type of portable restrooms that will best serve our client’s pur­pose. We align ourselves to upkeep our nation’s clean and green city by partnering with our local authorities in proposing the level of maintenance required to best meet the health regulations while ensuring our clients’ satisfaction.

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Vessel Ownership & Chartering

In 2013, the Group ven­tured into the ves­sel own­er­ship and char­ter­ing busi­ness through Gold Hyacinth Devel­op­ment Pte Ltd (Gold Hyacinth), a 30 per cent asso­ciate com­pany held via its wholly owned sub­sidiary, Gold Topaz Pte Ltd. Gold Hyacinth has since pur­chased its first ves­sel, “Hai Jin”, a Crown 58 “Supra­max” Bulk Car­rier. The ves­sel has since been char­tered to a third party.

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