Business Segments


K&W pro­vides a wide range of portable toi­lets and related acces­sories that allow our clients to enjoy the ameni­ties of home when they are out­doors and for any occa­sion.

K&W Mobile Loo Ser­vices Pte Ltd was set up in 1996 to pro­vide rental and clean­ing ser­vices of portable chem­i­cal lava­to­ries to the build­ing and con­struc­tion industry. With a fleet of more than 1,400 portable lava­to­ries, it is now one of Singapore’s lead­ing play­ers. Our major clients com­prise of build­ing con­trac­tors, event organ­is­ers and tent­age operators.

With exten­sive expe­ri­ence and a strong track record build up over more than two decades, we are mind­ful of the respon­si­bil­ity that our busi­ness has on our com­mu­nity. At K&W, our team is selec­tive of the chem­i­cals we use for our prod­ucts. We are able to rec­om­mend the quan­tity, qual­ity and type of portable restrooms that will best serve our client’s pur­pose. We align ourselves to upkeep our nation’s clean and green city by partnering with our local authorities in proposing the level of maintenance required to best meet the health regulations while ensuring our clients’ satisfaction.

K&W pro­vides a wide range of portable toi­lets and related acces­sories that allow our clients to enjoy the ameni­ties of home when they are out­doors and for any occa­sion. We even boast a lux­u­ri­ous portable con­tainer toi­let that was spe­cially designed and launched in 2009 called “the chic cabin”. It has since gar­nered rave reviews at var­i­ous pres­ti­gious events.

With the increas­ing vibrancy in the build­ing and con­struc­tion sec­tor, and sports and out­door enter­tain­ment activ­i­ties in Sin­ga­pore, we are con­fi­dent that the demand for our portable toi­let ser­vices is expected to remain steady.

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