Our spectrum of services

Reg­is­tered under the Build­ing and Con­struc­tion Author­ity of Sin­ga­pore (BCA), we have dif­fer­en­ti­ated our­selves from our com­peti­tors by

Inte­grated Build­ing Services

Reg­is­tered under the Build­ing and Con­struc­tion Author­ity of Sin­ga­pore (BCA), we have dif­fer­en­ti­ated our­selves from our com­peti­tors by becom­ing an ISO cer­ti­fied M&E Engi­neer­ing spe­cial­ist pro­vid­ing inte­grated solutions.

Plumb­ing and San­i­tary Systems

Based on the Build­ing and Con­struc­tion Author­ity of Sin­ga­pore (BCA) Reg­is­tra­tion require­ments, BCA grades M&E con­trac­tor on a scale rang­ing from L1 (lower) to L6 (high­est). We have achieved and main­tained the high­est grad­ing of L6 grad­ing for Inte­grated Build­ing Ser­vices, Plumb­ing and San­i­tary Sys­tems and Elec­tri­cal Engi­neer­ing Sys­tems. This is attrib­uted to our strong finan­cial, impec­ca­ble and sub­stan­tial track record and our cohe­sive team of qual­i­fied tech­ni­cal professionals.

  • Inte­grated Build­ing Services
  • Plumb­ing and San­i­tary Systems
  • Elec­tri­cal Engi­neer­ing Systems
  • Air-​conditioning and Mechan­i­cal Ven­ti­la­tion Sys­tem Fire Pre­ven­tion and Pro­tec­tion Systems
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Secu­rity Sys­temsUnder­ground Pipeline Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Systems
  • Civil Engi­neer­ing
  • Repair & Redec­o­ra­tion

Plumb­ing and San­i­tary Systems

Plumb­ing and San­i­tary Sys­tems and Elec­tri­cal Engi­neer­ing Sys­tems. This is attrib­uted to our strong finan­cial, impec­ca­ble and sub­stan­tial track record and our cohe­sive team of qual­i­fied tech­ni­cal professionals.

  1. Inte­grated Build­ing Services
  2. Civil Engi­neer­ing